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You are independent and strong-willed, yet sensitive and aloof. You are often seen as mystical with a unique point of view on life. You have strong intuitive powers and leadership abilities. Outgoing and friendly, your surprise others with your need for positive feedback and reinforcement. You enjoy learning new things. Energetic and inquisitive you have high spirits. You will have a happy home life and love will play a great part in your life. You may find a partner who will understand your sensitivities if you look among those born in January, February, May or July. Lunar position highlights love and rewards.

With your extremely generous nature, others impose you upon. You are sociable and gracious and have a pleasing personality. In your attempts to please those you like you may risk becoming overly dependent. Try to overcome your tendency to be easily hurt by the actions of others, they have the burden to improve not you. You enjoy out-door life, and are especially fond of flowers. Your family is very dear to you and you will always have many friends. Intuitive and clever, you have a capacity to learn quickly. Relationships are more successful with those born in January, February, May or June. Lunar position emphasizes spectacular run of luck.

The habits you form and friendships you make in your early life will stay with you in your late life. You are slow and deliberate; these qualities will be your success. Although you are versatile and expressive, you get bored easily. Guard against a tendency to worry. When you want to gain others' attention you can do this with an imploring look and occasional whine. You do need their attention. You are blessed with charm and sensitivity. You might find fulfillment and that special relationship with those born in May, July, September or January. You can achieve your heart's desire.

You are very active and apt to over-do your zeal to have fun. You are inquisitive and energetic and will always find new and exciting things to explore throughout your life. Do not let disappointment or failures dishearten you. You are resourceful and able to do many things. You are capable of deep love. You have good taste and enjoy good foods and beautiful surroundings. You might find that special relationship among those born in October, December, February or March. You'll have special good fortune that will last

APRIL 5, (back to top)
You have been endowed with strength and fortitude. Cultivate these. You have a magnetic personality and the qualities of a good companion. Your home life is dear to you. Be less whimsical and fickle. Love, beauty and friendship are yours for the taking. As charm is one of your natural attributes, you have no problems attracting admirers. Be selective in your choice of friends and look especially to those born in June, September, February or March. In year 2000, February and November will bring you special joy!

APRIL 6 (back to top)
You possess an inner nobility that shows through when you are in positions of attention. Otherwise, you are rather domestically inclined and live very much within yourself. You are well liked for you are interesting and entertaining. You find travel to be rewarding, but need help adapting to the change. You are often in the right place at the right time and this brings you positive results and many rewards. You just might find an inspiring relationship with those born in March, May, June or August. Finally you get credit due and the rewards that go with it.

APRIL 7 (back to top)
You are an enthusiastic companion, and bring great joy to those you love. You love action and enjoy being entertaining. Your love is deep and you are loyal. Hidden from public view is your sensitive nature, which is easily hurt. Because you are sensitive, with intense, deep feelings, others need to be gentle with you. You are blessed with a profound intuition, which may help in difficult situations. You possess instincts that give you an uncanny ability to assess others' character. You would do best to develop relationships with those born in February, May, June, August, September and October. Cycle high, circumstances turn in your favor.

APRIL 8 (back to top)
Although you are impatient, impulsive and argumentative, your love is irresistible, impetuous and sincere. There are not many who can resist your look. You aspire to great accomplishments even though you are prone to doubts and fears of inadequacy. You dislike taking orders from others. But you make up for it by being helpful, friendly and versatile. You are drawn toward people who are friendly and sociable and would do well with those born in May, July, August or November. The stars and the planets are aligned for you.

APRIL 9 (back to top)
Your outstanding characteristics are dependability, energy and enthusiasm. You are not afraid of new adventures, but you should be cautious before advancing into uncharted waters. You have a pioneering spirit and courage, but your secret self reveals an indecisive side that worries about approval. You are a staunch loyal friend and have deep affection and respect for your home ties. To keep you interested in a long term relationship look to those born in September, November, December or February. You will be lucky in love and life.

APRIL 10 (back to top)
You are fastidious in your cleanliness, and careful of appearances at all times. You think quickly, but act slowly. You are tender, kind and considerate. Although you can be very independent, there is also an accent on relationships. You love deeply and have the sincere love of your kin and immediate household. Don't give up easily, you will be rewarded. You will find stability in the midst of change. Youthful, lively and naturally charismatic, you have no problem in attracting friends and admirers, but would do best in relationships with those born in March, August, or October. You have waited, now you will be rewarded!

APRIL 11 (back to top)
You can adapt yourself readily to change of environment; faithful to family, loyal to your friends and enthusiastic in your love of life. You have great power and determination and through it you surmount successfully many difficulties. You dislike taking orders and rely on your charm and charismatic appeal to have your way. Your love is deep and you will compel the same in return. You have a knack for being a natural liaison between those from a variety of backgrounds. Do not allow circumstances to threaten you. You have many who care greatly for you and some of them were born in the months of January, February, May, July and August. Lunar position accents security, love and attention.

APRIL 12 (back to top)
You are naturally very cautious and act only after due consideration. You may be happiest when sharing the company of those who make you feel safe and secure. You have a strong character and do not like to be in a subservient position. Although usually good hearted and understanding you may become disappointed with those who are distracted. You love your home and continually try to make it more pleasant and attractive. You might find a soul mate with those born in September, November, February or April. Life will be good to you!

APRIL 13 (back to top)
You have persistence, are energetic and versatile. You are easy-going and when thwarted in your purpose you are resourceful in accomplishing it in other ways. You are quiet and reserved, and do not make friends easily, but hold the few you make. A hidden part of your nature is your desire for attention. Your love is sincere and steadfast and you are a treasured companion. Good opportunities for travel are on the horizon and you will have help adapting to the change. A basic insecurity or jealousy is likely to plague you in your close relationships so look to those born in April, May or August to be the most understanding. Love and attention comes knocking on your door!

APRIL 14 (back to top)
You have a strong, keen mind, a gentle and kindly disposition and good intuitive judgment. You need love and approval, but previously these may have been withheld from you. The demonstration of affection is important to you. You do not like to be restricted or take orders from others. Although you need stability, the restlessness indicated by the birthday number 14 urges you to forge ahead and take on new challenges in a constant attempt to improve your life. You will be successful in these attempts. Your love is generous and sometimes extravagant and is best appreciated by those born in August, September, November or December. Your wish for love will be granted!

APRIL 15 (back to top)
You are very original, shrewd and have a keen mind. If you are a homebody the days will be full of reward. If an outdoor type you will find adventure and companionship. You should curb your tendency toward abrupt changes in direction. Often you succeed after overcoming difficulties. This earns you many rewards and much love. You can be ruthless in your search for a lost item. You may try many experiments in your quest for those who are your soul mate, but the best choices may be December and March. The planets align for you this year.

APRIL 16 (back to top)
Love of change and an innate restlessness are often signs of those born on this date. Travel often features prominently in your life. A number 16 birthday suggests that you are sensitive and friendly. You often judge life and people according to how you are treated. Outgoing you are sensitive to the feelings of others and can intuitively be there when they need you. Do not be afraid of change and you will be rewarded. Since you possess a very youthful and playful side you may find fulfillment in a relationship with those born in January, June, October or December. Special rewards are in your stars.

APRIL 17 (back to top)
You are sensitive and when happy, are extremely exuberant; and when unhappy, depressed. You are affectionate and require a deep and understanding love, which you will reciprocate. Your secret self reveals that one part of you wants life to be stable, secure and predictable while another part of you seeks activity and variety to guard against boredom. Warm and sociable, you draw people with your natural charm. By showing your caring and loving nature you can clear up any misunderstandings. Special relationships abound with those born in January, March, May and November. Prepare for an abundance of goodness.

APRIL 18 (back to top)
You possess a sunny disposition, are moderately patient, loving and sincere. You are ambitious and strive to do the unusual. Do not let the largeness of your endeavor deter you. You have intellectual capability and physical strength to help and guide you. You are liable to feel anxious or nervous if life seems too routine. This is only temporary, so use this time to stop and reflect and fine tune your energies. When in doubt, apply faith and trust your instincts. Relationships with those born in March, May and July will be long lasting. Good things are coming your way!

APRIL 19 (back to top)
You have a changeable temperament are fond of food, travel and the out doors. You should take great pride in your possessions and abilities and use them to your best advantage. You are loved sincerely and will have many close friendships. Friendly and good-hearted you are likely to experience an active life. A natural instinct for quickly assessing situations helps put you one step ahead in getting what you want. You possess extremely strong desires and need the love of those born in October, December or March. Good wishes are coming your way!

APRIL 20 (back to top)
Your positive and headstrong ways will carry you over many obstacles to success. You expect others to step aside and usually they do. You are influenced by praise and flattery, rather than by direct appeal or command. As a number 20 birthday, you are intuitive, sensitive, adaptable and you often see yourself as part of a larger group. Trust your premonitions and avoid becoming worried about others, especially if they cause hurt and mistrust. You have your family's respect and devotion and they will protect you. A special relationship is possible with those born in January, May, August and October. Lucky in love and you will know it!

APRIL 21 (back to top)
Dynamic drive and outgoing personality are often present in those with a number 21 birthday. You can be fun-loving, kindhearted, adventurous and easily influenced by the opinion of others. You enjoy luxury and refinement and should find happiness in life. A strong need for domestic stability suggests that while you desire an active life you also seek a peaceful home life. Others will recognize your abilities and you will be rewarded. You should take great care in selecting your friendships and those born in June, August and November will be most appropriate soul mates. You are apt to come in contact with influential people and this will result in rewards and treats for you.

APRIL 22 (back to top)
You have special talents that should be developed. You are confident and charming with many natural gifts. You are positive in your approach, but when confronted you will take a stand. You have a clear and alert mind and keen foresight. You are capable of a deep and sacrificing love. Your secret self reveals an interesting mix of sensitivity and emotional need. You enjoy variety, nevertheless, boredom may creep into your relationships if you do not get enough affection and attention. You might find fulfillment with those born in January, February, April and June. There is a positive aura surrounding you.

APRIL 23 (back to top)
You like and desire fine surroundings and are unhappy without them. You are strong-willed, dominating, like to lead and expect complete understanding of your uniqueness. Your secret self reveals a need to overcome feelings of being lonely or isolated. Compassion and kindness will help you deal with these feelings but you need attention. Very intelligent with a gift for communicating your desires, you are entertaining and loved. In your overall understanding of life, security is important to you and you need something stable and solid to rely upon. You resent being pushed and restricted and may retaliate by becoming stubborn, but your loyalty is without question. Seek out those born in May, August or November. Your burden is lifted!

APRIL 24 (back to top)
Your birthday number 24 suggests that you seek balance and harmony. You are warm, intelligent and determined. You have a strong love of nature and beauty and enjoy the out doors. You are inspired by power and wisdom and others notice your abilities. Learn to associate with those from all walks of life. Overcome suspicious tendencies. Your home life needs to be secure. You are good at getting others to care for and about you. You can improve your chances for a good relationship by looking to those born in February, April and September. Your days will be filled with excitement and rewards.

APRIL 25 (back to top)
You are clever and skillful with your senses. Your love is ardent and irresistible. You suffer from jealousy and demand undivided love and attention. Kind-hearted you often attract those who need your companionship. Since you possess great sensitivity and a capacity for dealing with people you may often find yourself in the role of guide. You are cooperative and expect the same in return. Overcome a tendency to become overanxious. By using your charm you manage to get what you need. Your soul mates are those born in October, November, February and May. Love and happiness will surround you.

APRIL 26 (back to top)
Your birthday reveals you to be an intelligent visionary who has strength and power. Your friends and family have confidence in you and respect you. If confused, you can become bad tempered, obstinate or easily bored. Your most valuable possessions are your friends, who are staunch and loyal and will help you when in need. You love your home life and are kind and considerate of your family. Your special someone could be born in August, November, March or May. What a special year is in store for you!

APRIL 27 (back to top)
You are stubborn, but not quarrelsome. You are fair with people and expect fairness in return. You are strong-willed and your head very definitely rules your heart. You have a youthful quality, and you can inspire people with your exciting and adventurous charms. You desire the best that life has to offer, but need to be careful not to overindulge. Women play an important role in your life. Overcome your tendency to be suspicious, but always be cautious. Those who have your special interest in mind may have been born in May, July, October or January.

APRIL 28 (back to top)
You live within yourself. Rather than make any of those you love unhappy, you keep your troubles and worries to yourself. You have determination of purpose and always do what you plan. Always ready for action and new adventures, you courageously take on life's challenges. You maintain a strong protection around the area of your home. You will always have the strength to master any situation. You need to express your love and are drawn to those who return it. The relationship you need could be found with those born in February, March, May or June. Be ready for new loves and rewards!

APRIL 29 (back to top)
You are cautious, yet positive and intuitive. You always want to act on your intuition, but your cautious nature holds you back, causing a constant dispute within you. People sometimes take advantage of you in spite of your intuition. You must protect yourself. Extremely strong willed and stubborn when you have made up your mind, you are a force to be reckoned with. You have within you a need for order, dependability and security. Those around you must understand these things about you and must respond with compassion and affection otherwise you will be easily offended and hurt. To find a compassionate soul mate look to those born in April, June, July or October. Exciting times are ahead and you will find love.

APRIL 30 (back to top)
You are faithful, dependable and attentive. A rebellious streak comes on now and then. In contrast, your playful side can emerge totally unexpectedly and you can surprise everyone with your spontaneity. To those you love you are devoted and have their deep and sincere affection. The sensitive inner you may find it critical to have a safe haven of calm. You are seldom swept off your feet by emotion, even though you care greatly for your family. Relationships are strongest with those born in March, April, June or December. Your cycle is high and circumstances turn in your favor!