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You are fond of music and like to travel. As a number 1 birthday, you are inclined to be individual, courageous and have plenty of energy. Your pioneering spirit encourages you to strike out on your own. Impressionable and intuitive you are a loyal companion. You like neatness and cleanliness, adapt easily, and are friendly. Your family is dear to you. A need for a deep and loving relationship is vital to your happiness and will be more likely with those born in May, August, October and November. Good fortune is in store for you!

Although motivated by a desire for pleasure and luxury, you have great pride and a tender heart. Although caring and reserved, you have an active mind, mentally quick and have a wonderful ability with people. More often than not you attempt to keep peace by using your charm. Be careful to avoid injuries to your paws. You may often wish for a simple life with a loyal partner and will do well with those born in January, March, April, May, June and December. Life is full of great things and they are coming your way!

You are self-contained, sympathetic and kindly. You are more popular with the opposite sex than with your own. Be careful not to scatter your energies across too many interests. Despite a lucky streak, you should avoid adventures. You like to travel and get a great deal of fun out of life. You are sincere in your affections and do well with those born in April, May, July, August and September. Lucky in love and relationships!

You have a strong and overpowering personality and generally try to get your own way. Oh, what an adventure this brings to life! You are pulled by what inspires you versus what your senses may tell you. Spontaneous by nature, you need to be cautious and careful. You make many friends and few enemies. Although you are reserved and sensitive, you love deeply and wholeheartedly and may find those who understand you best born in September, October, December, January, April and May. Love and affection are in your cards!

JULY 5 (back to top)
Optimistic, adventurous and multitalented, you profit more by experience than by being told. Your willingness to explore or try anything new combined with an enthusiastic approach suggests that life may have much to offer you. Travel and opportunities for change abound. You are friendly and like attention; in love you are steadfast and devoted and will find those who share your love with those born in March, May, July, August or December. You make fresh start and receive many rewards!

JULY 6 (back to top)
You are serious in everything you do, but have a live-for-the-moment attitude may result in restlessness. You enjoy culture and refinement and may wish to be included in travel plans or explore new opportunities. Conscious of your appearance you attempt to present a favorable image. A natural entertainer you are fun to be around. Your hidden insecurities come to the surface and you need those around you to be affectionate and attentive. Those born in July, September, November and February and most supportive of your needs. Positive things happen to you!

JULY 7 (back to top)
Sometimes you are domineering and not always considerate, but you want attention and need love and think this is how to get it. You are quick, energetic and alert and can generally succeed in getting your own way by your sheer determination. Although highly intuitive, you can be mistrusting at times. Pride and an inner sense of nobility suggest that you do not like to fail. You have an interesting personality and will need the support of those born in January, March, may, June or July to be understood. You will enjoy much love and happiness!

JULY 8 (back to top)
You are charming and resourceful. Often your gentle and protective nature hides your restlessness and need for adventure. You may be disappointed by others and this may cause detachment. Sensitive and intuitive you can feel others problems as if they were your own. Safeguard those you care for, but protect yourself as well. Look for love and affection from those born in August, September, October, November or December. Current cycle relates to finding security and love!

JULY 9 (back to top)
Charismatic and sociable, you are outgoing and resourceful in your methods. You have good judgement and possess an exceptional gift for understanding humanity. You are fond of children and your home, and do all in your power to make your domestic life safe, secure and happy. Your secret self reveals that you are unsure and often doubt your abilities. You need the love and affection of someone born in January, February, March, April, May or June to help you in life. The stars and planets bestow much.

JULY 10 (back to top)
You are conscientious and trustworthy in carrying out another's direction. Multi-talented and adaptable you are a quick learner. Reserved in social situations you are welcome most places. Your pioneering spirit frequently encourages you to adventure. Having a number 10 birthday, you may have to learn that the world does not revolve around you. Your kind, gentle, loving nature will be best appreciated by those born in September, November, December, January, or March. A warm breeze is blowing good things your way.

JULY 11 (back to top)
Your is a sunny, radiant disposition and your charming personality wins you many loyal companions. You have good judgement and self-control. You like pleasant surroundings and create a pleasant atmosphere even in the most unpromising environment. You will have a sincere love, and your home life will be ideal. Security and happiness will be easier with those born in February, March, May, November of January. Love and rewards are in your future!

JULY 12 (back to top)
You are blessed with unlimited ability. You feel things keenly and intensely and have the ability to bring harmony out of chaos. A positive environment is essential to your well-being. You will find reward in anything you do. You have picky tastes but sound judgment; are dependable, loving and enjoy and seek a harmonious life with pleasant surroundings. You have wonderful potential that might be developed best by those born in June, July, August, November or February. Lots of good things are about to be yours!

JULY 13 (back to top)
You are energetic and aggressive. A clear thinker, you make decisions quickly but sometimes act impulsively. You like to travel and will do so, but you need help adjusting to your new surroundings. Charming and fun loving, you love to share your sense of fun with others. Work on issues concerning loyalty and trust. Your secret self reveals a need for a secure home that acts as an oasis from the outer world. You are demonstrative and constant in your love and would do well with those born in September, December, April, May, or August. Throughout the year you benefit from much attention!

JULY 14 (back to top)
Love of adventure and a talent for sports is your trademark. You are optimistic and would suffer terribly if loyalty and trust were shattered. You are so observant that little escapes you and this makes you a great protector. When things are not right you usually want to confront the situation. Be careful! Security and stability are paramount to your happiness. Your love is pure and to be happy you must have understanding. Those born in July, August, November, January or March will understand you best. Cycle high and love is in the air!

JULY 15 (back to top)
You are generally pleasant, loving and kind, but inclined towards fretting when you do not get your own way. Your are fun-loving and enjoy an active life. Strong willed with a forceful mind and a tender heart, your secret self reveals the need for a secure one-to-one relationship. You are blessed with intuitive and psychic powers, keen perception and vivid senses. You will be happy in your relationships, especially with those born in March, May, June, July or August. You will receive accolades just for being you!

JULY 16 (back to top)
You are positive and almost stubborn. Your very definite ideas of right and wrong are part of your nature and you cannot tolerate the slightest deviation from them. In your passion for perfection, you endeavor to have others follow your own ideals. You can be an asset to your family and the community. You judge life by how you feel and have a good sense about others. Responsibility to home and family make you an ideal protector. Look to those born in June, August, September or January to be there for you. A year of love and affection will be yours!

JULY 17 (back to top)
You are self-reliant, resourceful and very accepting; however, you should not be taken for granted. Charismatic, you possess an attraction that draws others to you. You are known for your need to express yourself! You need to overcome a fear of being lonely or abandoned. By your kindly manner, you will create a happy and harmonious home life. Security and love may come from those born in May, August, November or January. The things you wish for the most will come true in a wonderful manner!

JULY 18 (back to top)
Yours is a picky nature and it shows in your strong like and dislike of things. Trust your instincts regarding any situation. You have a sixth sense about people and things. You like to appear at your best always. Your disposition is generally sweet, although you sometimes lose your temper you quickly recover it. You have many loyal friends who will come to your assistance. You are affectionate and loving and your home is very dear to you. Look for those born in January February, March, April or May to give you those things you need to be happy. You are due some good news!

JULY 19 (back to top)
You have wonderful potential and boundless energy. Establish your own identity early. You like travel and love the out-of-doors. Inner tensions may cause emotional ups and downs; others need to help you with this. You thrive on love and encouragement since being appreciated makes your try harder. In love, you are sincere and whole-hearted and require the same in return. Those born in February, March, May, July and December are looking out for you. Special treats are in the picture!.

JULY 20 (back to top)
Your friendly smile and charming personality often mask your vitality and strong drive to achieve. You like social activities and are very popular. With a number 20 birthday you are intuitive, sensitive and adaptable. You enjoy activities where you can interact, share or learn from others. You need to have a stable and harmonious home. At times you need to be alone, away from others to recharge your batteries. Easily hurt by actions or criticism from others, you would be best with those born in May, July, September, November or March. A warm and loving year is yours!

JULY 21 (back to top)
You are self-sufficient and like to assume a leading role. You are adventurous and like to travel. You have a high-spirited, childlike quality that delights others. Healthy and robust you like to participate in many activities. Lack of activity can cause a nervous disposition. Overcome a tendency to worry and fret. Intuitive and naturally curious you are quick at assessing people and situations. Those born in May, June, July, October and February are special in your life. There is love and reward coming your way!

JULY 22 (back to top)
Sensitive and assertive with a happy and even disposition you will be a welcome addition to the family. You are versatile and resourceful and have a keen, perceptive mind. Quietly forceful and endearing, you find creative ways to get the things you want. Watch out for that strong sixth sense! You are friendly and respond to the good in others. Security comes from those born in January, April, June, August or December. A good life is promised to you!

JULY 23 (back to top)
You are energetic, spirited and restless and learn new things with relative ease. You are very fond of good times and special events and like to have an active part in anything going on around you. Making up your mind is not a problem for you, although others may be surprised! You are not demonstrative in your love and require a great deal of affection and understanding from those around you. Look to those born in May, June, August, September and November for extra attention. Good luck and changing circumstances are in your future!

JULY 24 (back to top)
Everything you do is done with intensity. You are multi-talented, quick tempered and positive in your direction. Practice self-control! Your secret self reveals your home to be an important factor in finding security and protection for your sensitive inner self. You like to observe things carefully before you make up your mind. Learn to accept your own limitations and others will be accepting too. Inspiring relationships are possible with those born in August, October, December, March and May. Lucky in love you find great happiness!

JULY 25 (back to top)
You are a sunny Leo, full of charm drive and enthusiasm. You have a magnetic personality, make friends easily and are popular with everyone. Pioneering, with strong survival instincts, you possess an ability to quickly appraise people and events. Trust and loyalty need to be returned. You are able to help others in unexpected ways. You are openhearted and love with a deep and strong devotion. Those born in May, July, October and November will reassure and protect you. Special attention and rewards are yours!

JULY 26 (back to top)
You are capable and dependable, although rather dominating. If things become too serious you can turn stubborn, but your charm keeps you out of trouble. At times you can display incredible moments of insight. This may startle others. You prefer the company of the opposite sex. Dignified and honorable you prefer a harmonious environment. Cautious, but courageous you are a valued companion. Your youthful and playful quality will do best with those born in January, February, May, June, July, August, November or December. All that is good is yours!

JULY 27 (back to top)
With your ambition and determination, you are capable of great happiness. You are vivacious and lovable and your friends are true and loyal to you. A strong need to explore and excellent instincts makes life an adventure for you. Easily offended you have a tendency to be skeptical and suspicious. Guard against those who would mislead you. You love with your whole heart and need a sincere and constant love in return. Look to those born in May, December and January for that security. Love and affection enter your life!

JULY 28 (back to top)
With your passionate temperament you may experience strong attractions - even love at first sight. You have a keen, alert and active mind. Overcome a tendency to be impatient. You are energetic but nervous and somewhat petulant, although charming and happy when your mind is free. Strong, proud and dignified you enjoy fine food and luxury, love children and will be happy in your own home. Look for good relations with those born in January, February, March, July, August or September. The stars are shining on you and you will be rewarded!

JULY 29 (back to top)
You like excitement and fun and are generally well liked. Proud and needing recognition, you revert to your charm to get what you want. Once you make up your mind you refuse to give up. Fluctuating moods, doubts and fears may result in misunderstandings. You will receive encouragement, however. You are energetic, affectionate and domestically inclined. Those born in February, March, April and September and special friends. Life will bring you many wonderful surprises!

JULY 30 (back to top)
You have definite likes and dislikes. You make few friends, but those few are real and loyal to you. You adapt yourself readily to every necessity. You are demonstrative in your great love of your family. Your interests center on your home and dear ones and this makes you a wonderful companion and protector. You prefer companionship to solitude. Being contented is vital to your happiness. Your inner lack of trust can be helped by those born in July, August, September, October, November or December. Unexpected gains are yours!

JULY 31 (back to top)
You are cautious, careful, and have a fair amount of willpower. You are usually right in your judgment of others. At times your sensitivity and sixth sense are heightened. You have an intolerance for aggressive mannerisms. Your secret self reveals a youthful quality and childlike innocence. Guard against extremes. Harmonious relationships are best with those born in May, June, July, September or December. Good fortune and luck are yours!