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You have definite intuitive tendencies that should be developed to your good advantage. You have faith in yourself and your ability and you will be rewarded. You are good natured and constant in your affections. You will win a deep and lasting love. A number 1 birthday means you are inclined to be individual, courageous and have plenty of energy. A need to explore implies that you are likely to travel. Your secret self reveals a subtle sensitivity that only those closest to you see. Love plays major role; main players include those born in June, August, September and October. Spotlight on how much you are loved!

You have great self-control and psychic powers and are an excellent companion. You have many friends, prefer the company of the opposite sex, but are well liked by all who know you. Those with a number 2 birthday are sensitive and have a strong need to be part of a group. A perfectionist, you may need to overcome your pouting. Love relationship starts in unusual manner with those born in January, March or April. Be ready for a great year!

You have a magnetic personality and should take care that this gift does not lead you astray. You like and appreciate music and find it relaxing. You are passionate and your emotions sometimes overpower you, but your love is constant. Your charm is likely to attract many social and romantic opportunities, but for that special relationship look among those born in May, September, November or January. You are in for a wonderful surprise!

Your personality is winning and gracious and it makes you welcome every where you go. You are easily influenced and therefore, should try to be more bold and resolute. You are a good judge of others and are generally right in your estimate of them. You are fond of children. Security-conscious, you like to guard your home and possessions. Be alert, and ready. Loyal, devoted and affectionate to those you love, you might find a lasting relationship with those born in February, May or June. A reward awaits you!

MARCH 5 (back to top)
You have the gift of vision and are a good companion. All-important undertakings should be begun during May and June. You are a true and loyal friend and an ardent companion. You will always be contended and happy. Your secret self reveals powerful emotions and a sensitive nature. No one should take your feelings for granted. You have mystical qualities. For that special someone you might want to consider those born in May, August, November or December. You are lucky in love and life!

MARCH 6 (back to top)
You have a strong will, are self-reliant and inclined to scout out everything. You are fond of out door activities and excitement, but can be domestically inclined. You enjoy having lots of people around you and like making new acquaintances. Worldly and friendly you deal with change well. Avoid over indulgence in food or play. If you gain fame, it is often long lasting. To find true happiness you might just find the inspiring partner among those born in February, March, May and August. Special recognition is in the stars!

MARCH 7 (back to top)
You could be more assertive, but it is hard for you. You are slow, methodical and extremely careful in all you do. You are apt to be cautious and self-absorbed. You are very tenderhearted and too often allow others to impose upon you. You are afraid to take risk especially where security is concerned. You want to be surrounded by harmony and love. Your soul mate will be a compassionate and patient friend born in January, March, April or November. Your cycle is high and filled with hugs and attention.

MARCH 8 (back to top)
With your keen appreciation of good food and music, you would make a good critic of both. Although you are aggressive, you like personal attention and are apt to seek it. Your love is steadfast and your friendships lasting. Your secret self reveals a love of home and a comfortable routine. Those with a number 8 birthday have a desire for security and support. Intolerant and suspicious of authority you should seek a relationship with those born in August, December, February or May.

MARCH 9 (back to top)
Although domestically inclined you enjoy outside interests. However, your home life is very dear to you. You are careful and a good companion. Number 9 birthdays reveal intuitive and psychic abilities. You benefit greatly from world travel and interaction with those from all walks of life. Your secret self reveals a need for a strong and lasting relationship. Learn when to stay detached because you could be easily misled. You have a fear of being alone. Your chances for happiness and love are better with those born in May, July, October and December. Your fears will be eliminated!

MARCH 10 (back to top)
With a quick perception and a keen understanding of human nature, you are led by suggestion rather than by force. The love and friendships you inspire are true and lasting and you have no real enemies. You attempt to keep peace by using your natural charm. Although friendly, you often need periods of being alone to restore your energy. You are observant, like to travel and will do so often. You will overcome life's challenges. For love and companionship look to those born in January, March, June or July. Special attention is coming your way!

MARCH 11 (back to top)
In adversity you are spurred on, rather than discouraged. You are a true friend and the bitter enemy. Never halfway in anything you do you are either thoroughly liked or disliked. The special vibration of the number 11 birthday suggests a dynamic and engaging personality. Avoid scattering your energies in too many directions. You become frustrated when ignored and it shows. Like fine wine you will mellow with age. You need a faithful and reliable relationship and could find it with those born in January, February, March, May or June. Many happy days are on the horizon.

MARCH 12 (back to top)
You have a friendly and engaging personality and form many lasting friendships. Let your gift of intuition guide you. Aware of your image, you need to feel good about yourself and your surroundings. Luxury is important to you. A wonderful ability to entertain and enchant others stays with you throughout your life. You are impulsive in love, but will find a trusting relationship among those born in May or November. A special year is in store for you!

MARCH 13 (back to top)
Let the success of your many achievements, make you happy and forget past failures. You try hard to develop all your latent talents. Others will recognize this. You make friends easily and have many loyal and true ones. An inner sense of dignity and pride shows through in everything you do. Women are especially drawn to you. You have strong feelings and a desire for affection and those born in July, January and February will be your soul mates. This year will be memorable and fun!

MARCH 14 (back to top)
You are fond of everyone, a good companion and your company is sought by all. You are energetic and adventurous. You should achieve great reward in anything you undertake with your combination of charm and friendly disposition. The number 14 urges you to forge ahead and take on new challenges. A positive environment is essential for you. You thrive on affection and excitement. For exciting and lasting relations look to those born in May, August or September. Travel and new love are on the horizon.

MARCH 15 (back to top)
Modest and unassuming, you nevertheless have a strong personality that enables you to take a leading part in all you do. You dislike failure and feel that it is important to do things right. You are proud and it shows. Learn to relax it will restore your inner peace. You have the confidence of your friends and your love is whole-hearted and sincere. Usually you enjoy relationships with those born in January, April or May. The stars are shining on you and you will be rewarded!

MARCH 16 (back to top)
Only your most intimate friends know your serious nature because you cover it with a cheerful and happy-go-lucky disposition. You will not compromise to get rewards that you need and deserve. As a number 16 birthday, you experience inner tensions when facing these difficult situations. Through your experiences you come to value the power of love. You can command a great love and will be very happy. Soul mates can be found among those born in August, September, October and November. The planets are aligned for you and you will be rewarded.

MARCH 17 (back to top)
You are retiring, thoughtful, rather intuitive have definite likes and dislikes. You do not invite the advances of others and, when you receive them, you are indifferent. Those who are fortunate enough to gain your confidence, are true and loyal friends. As a number 17 birthday indicates you have a strong desire for self-expression. Your desire for harmony in your home can play an especially important role in your quest for peace and security. You may become more daring with age. Your sensitivity and strong passions may well be suited to those born in September, January, April and June. Fresh start in new direction will bring happiness.

MARCH 18 (back to top)
You are able to avoid frustration because you learn quickly. Cultivate your self-confidence, be less restless and anxious - you have ability! You love your home life. Your circle of friends, though small, are a strong force in your life. You will always be happy. Active, with a need for challenges you like new adventures. Develop patience and self-restraint. Among those born in January, March or April you may find someone with whom you can share your soul. Travel and love may happen this year.

MARCH 19 (back to top)
You are domestic, kind, extremely generous with your possessions, gentle and sensitive. If you are not in harmonious surroundings, you are completely miserable. You need an unusual amount of love and understanding. Your sweet and adoring disposition will undoubtedly or probably win this affection. You need emotional and mental stimulation. A lack of activity or change may contribute to feelings of unease and you can become restless. Those soul mates born in February, May, October November or December play major roles in your life. Those things you desire most will come your way.

MARCH 20 (back to top)
You are gentle, intuitive, agreeable and easily hurt. Easy going and a good companion you are fond of travel and enjoy a good time. You will love deeply and play with childlike abandon. You are more than willing to assist others. And enjoy cooperative activities where you can interact. You need true love and affection and are more likely to find a long lasting relationship with those born in March, July, October and December. Your wishes will be granted soon!

MARCH 21 (back to top)
You are impetuous, persistent, and somewhat stubborn. You are kind and fun-loving in your relationships, and if you cause any unhappiness by your impatience, you are quick to make amends. You are a natural born leader, but have a tendency toward frustration when not in the lead. Your secret self reveals a blend of opposites within your personality that confuses those around you. Learn to balance your personal needs with the needs of your partner. Those best suited to that type of relationship are typically born in January, February, April or September. A year of understanding and love is yours!

MARCH 22 (back to top)
Strong desires and a dynamic personality are usually present in those born on this day. You have a very friendly disposition and are liked by everyone. Although you possess a powerful desire to achieve, you are happy and fond of pleasure. You are sincere and generous in your love and are inspired to do good for others. You have a sixth sense about others. You have a desire for constant change and would benefit from a relationship with those born in March, July, September, December or January. A shining star is watching over you.

MARCH 23 (back to top)
You are somewhat obstinate and difficult and it is hard to drive you to do anything. You need variety and change in your life. You also want freedom and dislike being tied down. These contrasts in your personality suggest that you need a loving home. Only those that understand this about you can inspire you. You will, however, live a pampered life. For warm and tender relationships, look to those born in MARCH, April or May. This is your lucky year.

MARCH 24 (back to top)
A good protector and meticulous about detail. You are considerate of others, and friendly. Active and adventurous you like to win in everything you do. In your heart you are a crusader, eager to help your fellow man. Make sure you do not over extend yourself. Your need for a secure domestic environment suggests that you need friends and loved ones around you. Home and family life are important to your well being. You are apt to make the best of any situation, but will be deeply hurt if you feel neglected. Your loyalty and love will be returned by those born in January, February, March, April, May or June. Luck rides with you and you get what you are seeking.

MARCH 25 (back to top)
Through your openhearted, generous nature, you will be rewarded with love. You are careful and cautious. Your powerful need for self-expression combined with your vitality puts you in the forefront of all activities. You have a strong desire to help others and this makes you an ideal companion. Delightful to be with your charm and sunny disposition make everyone's day. Your secret self reveals a strong desire for security and you might find that with those born in June, July, August or November. A warm wind blows love and security your way.

MARCH 26 (back to top)
You are very positive in your relationships, but do not invite advances since you are rather shy. However, when you are attracted, you will love with a deep overpowering passion. The strength and power suggested by the number 26 birthday shows that you have a cautious nature. You have a love of home and a sense of beauty and need a stable environment in which to develop and grow. True satisfaction in life might come from relationships with those born in January, February, March or December. What you need is on its way to you.

MARCH 27 (back to top)
Unpredictability, courage and a keen sense of adventure are your chief characteristics. You love good times and like to share them. You're naturally friendly and enjoy a large circle of friends. Your need for harmony emphasizes the importance of having a home that you can retreat to for security. Beware of being impatient or temperamental; although the causes are outside of your control. Avoid impulsive actions that may cause you to be unsettled. You are brave and resourceful and need relationships with those born in June, July, August, October, November or December for true acceptance. Affection and love are in your stars!

MMARCH 28 (back to top)
Positive and aggressive, you enjoy having others around you. Those born on the 28th are unconventional and often answer to no one but themselves. Strong willed and independent you are however, capable of great loyalty and dependability. Despite the fact that you are usually active, there is also a part of you that needs to retreat from the world. You fight an inner conflict of wanting independence, but needing love. A stable home life is important. In your major relationships you should look for a soul mate born in March, April, June, July or September. You are lucky in love and life!

MARCH 29 (back to top)
You are affectionate and love with whole-heartedness and sincerity, but should not let your heart rule your head. You have an inner power to overcome obstacles, however, others have to help you with this. A burden not rightfully yours will be removed. Your compassionate and loyal nature makes you an ideal companion. Women will prove particularly lucky for you and you will find security and love among those born in May, July, September or January. Throughout the year life will be rewarding!

MARCH 30 (back to top)
You need a lot of love and affection. Stability and security are the foundation of your love. Since you possess an inner sense of power and great determination, once you have made up your mind you are a force to be reckoned with. If you are unhappy or unsatisfied, you are inclined to withdraw. Although you are generally even-tempered on occasion you may become temperamental, but can be coaxed back with love. You enjoy a good life and love to socialize, can be charismatic, loyal and friendly. You might find good relationships with those born in April, June, August or September. Joy and happiness are bestowed upon you.

MARCH 31 (back to top)
You are loyal, kind-hearted and loving. You enjoy music and find it relaxing. Those born on the 31st have an emphasis on self-expression. You often combine intuition with your senses to make the right choice. You may have to guard against a tendency to be overindulgent. Your exterior may not show how emotional you are on the inside. Affection is important to your self-esteem. You need emotional security in a relationship and might find it with those born in April, June, October, or November. Circumstances turn in your favor!