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Astrological Society Card!

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You are strong-willed, energetic, impulsive, a good scavenger with a fine sense of direction. You are blessed with a memorable personality and you find it hard to believe that the world does not revolve around you. A desire for order causes you frustration. The number 1 represents a desire to be first and you often show others the way forward. You possess an ability to give and receive love. In love, your path has its ups and downs, but you will find great happiness with those born in the months of July, August, October and February. Oh my, 2000 is a good year for you!

You make a devoted and understanding companion. You are patient and kind, harmonious and keep your troubles to yourself. You are very well liked by everyone and have no enemies. Sensitivity and a strong need to be part of a group are your virtues. You naively expect too much from others and are easily disappointed. Much of your security is built on love and friendship and those born in January, March, April, July and November will not disappoint you. Wish granted in a special way!

You are precise and exacting and expect the same from others. You project an alluring charm that draws people to you and guarantees you the love and attention that you need. Your family is devoted to you. A safe and secure home base is essential to your happiness. You will always have a strong inner-child energy and playfulness. However you encounter periods when you wish to withdraw and be alone. Those born in February, March, May and August will understand you the best. Your life will be filled with rewards!

You are charming, original, intelligent and always doing the unexpected. You are friendly and very popular. You adapt yourself to circumstances or environments and are loving and fond of children. Your home is likely to be of particular importance and serve as a place of safety and security. Your secret self reveals an intuitive nature that helps you understand many situations. For that special relationship look to those born in April, June, September and December. You may gain fame and prestige!

MAY 5 (back to top)
You are imaginative, almost visionary. You take pride in being well groomed. You like attention and can be spontaneous. Willpower and determination are your trademarks. Contained within you is an ability to cope with unexpected situations. You may have to overcome an inner restlessness. Responsibility does not mean much to you. However, you are charming, pleasant to live with and should have a happy home life. Look to those born in October, December and May for a soul mate. You will find great happiness and love!

MAY 6 (back to top)
You are proud, determined, careful and sometimes stubborn. You are constantly striving to elevate yourself in the eyes of those you love. You have a tendency toward sadness, which, without family attention will grow. You are usually kind and tender and you need much love and affection. You are more complex than you seem and learn quickly. Home and security are important to you and there must be harmony. To find lasting happiness look to those born in January, February, April, June, August, September or November. Your sadness will be replaced with joy!

MAY 7 (back to top)
You are a slow and plodding character. However, you have good mental abilities and your judgment is very good, especially in evaluating people. You have much self-esteem, ambition and ability. You withdraw and are stubborn when not treated well. This should not happen to you! You are capable of a strong and devoted love and will have a pleasant home life. Who would not want you as a companion and friend? Those born in August, November, December and February are special to you. 2000 bring you great reward!

MAY 8 (back to top)
You have a sunny disposition and a charming personality. You are original and blessed with a unique style. Improve your self-reliance. You are too prone to worry. You could do much more if you would make the effort and have more self-assurance. You like good food and "good times". You will always be happy. The need for stability and the security of loyal companions can best be found with those born in January, February, April, May, July, August or October. Expect to be surprised and rewarded!

MAY 9 (back to top)
You are amusing and entertaining, popular among your friends and family and have definite likes and dislikes. Compassion and sensitivity are associated with those born under the number 9. Your psychic abilities will help you find lost items. You are motivated by the promise of immediate rewards. Avoid unrealistic expectations and you will have a secure and satisfying life. You are likely to enjoy travel. Soul mates are among those born in March, April, May, July and November. The stars are shining on you!

MAY 10 (back to top)
You are persistent, mentally alert, levelheaded and never let failure or adversity deter your effort or lessen your spirit. You are courteous, diplomatic and gracious, never showing your true feelings unless they are pleasant. This makes you a perfect companion and you are truly loved. Your home base needs to be stable. Your security consciousness will pay off. Guard against extravagant impulses. You become stronger and more confident with age. An inspiring relationship will work best with those born in February, March, June, August and October. Your lunar cycle is high!

MAY 11 (back to top)
I Strong, both mentally and physically, you are versatile, energetic and determined. You are good natured, happy in your home life, popular and accepted as a pleasant and reliable companion. Your sensitive side is part of your secret self, but it should not be taken advantage of. You have willpower but may find that you scatter your energies. Your orientation toward service to others will help others with their healing process. Ordinarily loyal and affection, do not underestimate the power of love. Those born in June, August, October and December will help you most. The planets align to bring you love!

MAY 12 (back to top)
You are a clear thinker and logical in your response to learning. You have a strong desire to learn and better yourself. You enjoy good food and like well-maintained surroundings. Although you can be warm and spontaneous, you also possess an ability to be tough. This is your inner strength. You need an unusual amount of love and understanding and are demonstrative in your love. Those born in August, September, October, November and December will understand you best. This is the year you have been waiting for - enjoy!

MAY 13 (back to top)
You are freedom-loving but serious and rather retiring; moody sometimes, but kind and lovable most of the time. A natural charismatic warmth and ability to deal with all types of people is your trademark. You like traveling because of the adventure, but need help adjusting to your new environments. Your elegance is apparent in your appearance and your grooming. Generally, a 13th birthday suggests well-being, physical comfort and home security. Loyal relationships are possible with those born in January, February, March and June. What a year to look forward to!

MAY 14 (back to top)
You are determined, independent, dominating and sometimes inclined to be headstrong which may lead to a friendly tug of war. Your mind is clear and alert, and absorbs and retains most of what you see and hear. You are sincere and generous in your love. You are a loyal friend and a bitter enemy. You can attain any goal you set your heart on, but will be more successful with the help of those born in June, October, December and February. You will be vindicated and love will follow!

MAY 15 (back to top)
You have a great ability and natural aptitude for discovery. Observant, and cautious, you are a competent protector. Your charismatic charm often attracts many admirers and friends and saves you from many difficult situations. You are a loving companion and the direct source of all happiness in your home. Usually you are quick and enthusiastic, but your secret self reveals a restlessness. You do not like to be tied down. Avoid emotional power games! Those who relate to you best may be among those born in January, February, April, May or October. Rejoice your wishes will come true!

MAY 16 (back to top)
You are a clear thinker and have an excellent memory. Determination and a gregarious personality suggest that you can excel in almost anything you try. You have a keen sense of duty and a sincere and deep love for your home, which is most important to you. Deep down you seek an inner peace and harmony. Pride and a strong need for recognition are often your motivating forces. You will not tolerate being unappreciated for too long. Those who understand you the best may have been born in October, December, March, May and July. Rewards and recognition are coming your way!

MAY 17 (back to top)
With your pleasant and congenial disposition, you are clever, adventurous and open to new activities. You like good times, but your perfectionist nature makes it hard for you to enjoy them. You may find reward in helping your family with compassionate causes. Capable of good concentration you learn best through loving experiences. You are more popular with the opposite sex than with your own, but all of your relationships are very important to you. Look to those born in March, June, August and September to bring you most satisfaction. Grab that ball, fun is coming your way!

MAY 18 (back to top)
You are too fond of "taking a chance" and should curb this tendency, as it will bring you unhappiness and restlessness. You waste precious efforts and energy in following that desire. With your extraordinary senses you have a quick grasp of any situation. Beware of a tendency to be obstinate. If unsure you may become reserved and moody. Born to succeed, you appreciate beauty, the outdoors and the good things of life. You enjoy some children and your home is very dear to you. Your secret self will be most rewarded by those born in April, July, October and January. The planets align for a spectacular year!

MAY 19 (back to top)
You are nervous, energetic and somewhat excitable. But you play with childlike abandon and seek fun. Use your strong intuition to avoid dependent situations. Guard against being too self-centered and you will be rewarded. You help those who suffer from emotional tension. You are kind, considerate and affectionate in your love, which makes you an ideal companion. Harmony and a peaceful environment are paramount to you. You might find a great relationship with those born in February, April, May or June. The spotlight is on you and love abounds!

MAY 20 (back to top)
To be perfectly happy you require a deep and strong love. You are serious in your actions and in your love. You possess common sense, charm and are self-assured. Sleeping is your favorite pastime and you are blessed with a powerful memory. You like to travel with family, but need help adjusting to new environments. Although you may not show it you are intensely emotional and need reassurance. When learning new skills, be patient and allow others to assist you. Good partnerships may be found with those born in February, April, July, August and December. Year 2000 will be perfect for you!

MAY 21 (back to top)
You have a great deal of confidence in your abilities and what you can accomplish. You are unique and people find you compelling. Spontaneous and optimistic, you are often caught between the need to be free and independent and the desire to be loving and devoted. Your love of nature and outdoors is as important to you as your love of home. You are devoted to your family. Faith and trust in others pays off in the end. Look to those born in January, February, May and July for special understanding. The love you give will come back to you in full this year!

MAY 22 (back to top)
The abundant ability and talent you possess will not be evident until some crisis or need arises. You have a great deal of pride; do not let it rule you. Your inner strength does not want to be associated with failure. Do not overreact to people and situations. An authoritative older man can be persuaded. You possess the charm to warm the hearts around you. You are gentle, kind and sincere and should be around those who have the same interests and will bring out the best in you. Look to those born in January, February, March, April or May for soul mates. Tension is gone, harmony takes it place in your life!

MAY 23 (back to top)
You are enthusiastic in everything, and will try anything. Failure or adversity cannot discourage you. You have self-esteem, assurance and a persistent determination. Your secret self reveals a need to develop patience and to overcome a tendency to give up too easily. Although you are loyal and affectionate, you find you must adapt to changing circumstances. Things will work out for you. You are fond of your home and finding a partner or soul mate is of prime importance to you. Look for this special relationship among those born in October, December, February, April or May. Happiness is assured you!

MAY 24 (back to top)
You give unlimited concentration and enthusiasm to things that attract your attention. You are a leader, with your magnetic personality and strong character. Sincere and trustworthy, you love intensely and make an ideal companion. With a number 24 birthday you may dislike routine. The emotional sensitivities of this birthday suggest that you need stability and order around you. Faithful to those who love you, you are inclined to believe that actions speak louder than words. Trust your intuition. Find someone like-minded among those born in July, September or December and you will find long-lasting happiness. The stars and planets align for your benefit!

MAY 25 (back to top)
You put sincerity and your best efforts into any undertaking, but sometimes your responses are impractical and misunderstood. Keeping your passions and emotions under control is not easy. Emotionally sensitive, you need to find ways to express yourself freely. Nervous and restless you may need to spend time resting in more comfortable surroundings. You are capable of loving deeply and you require affection in return. Those born in May, June, July and October are more inclined to understand and support you. Opportunities for love and rewards are coming your way!

MAY 26 (back to top)
You are light-hearted, exuberant and fond of fun. You like people around you; like to please them and are enthusiastic over new friends. Sometimes passionate and excitable, you are friendly, irresistible and lovable. Do not allow your home situation to worry you; it will improve shortly. Use your natural caring abilities to relive stress or anxieties. You like to familiarize yourself with new situations before moving forward. What you lack in courage you make up for in enthusiasm. Love, affection and stability are your foundation. Those born in January, April, May and December will give you the relationship you need. Year 2000 was made for you - you will be happy!

MAY 27 (back to top)
You are a loyal and steadfast friend and companion. You are exacting, like your own way and are very determined in your efforts to get it. You are constantly seeking new and exciting things to keep your active mind interested. A fascination for people and change may prompt you to go exploring. Approach each new relationship with patience and find out who you can grow to love and trust. Your secret self reveals an inner sensitivity that may not be obvious to those who are not paying close attention. Those born in April, June, August October and December will be better at understanding you. The good life is coming your way!

MAY 28 (back to top)
You are determined; sometimes stubborn. Inside you are extremely sensitive and vulnerable. Once you find someone who stimulates your personality in a positive way, then you can become loving, loyal and secure. You can be highly intuitive about situations as well as the motives of others. Trust your judgment. You home is very dear to you; you constantly make scarifies to make it harmonious and happier. You often have a clear idea of what you want out of a relationship and may find those who understand you born in November, March, May or June. Your happiness is on the horizon!.

MAY 29 (back to top)
You are domestic, fond of children, approachable and considerate. You love your family and are very affectionate towards them. You have a sweet, even disposition, but are aroused to bitterness if your trust is violated. Although you are a true dreamer, the extreme sides of your nature indicate that you may have to guard against alternating moods. Your secret self shows a highly sensitive, intuitive and emotional side. This may cause you to become restless and bored. Avoid the temptation to overindulge. The relationship you are seeking may be best with those born in January, February, June or July. There are special days on there way to you!

MAY 30 (back to top)
You have a quick temper, and are inclined toward dominating and dictating your ideas, desires and opinions. You are sorry immediately when you have let your emotions get beyond control and you need those around you to understand this. You possess an inner nobility and pride and can be sensitive and charming when it serves your purpose. You like good food and the pleasure of affection but you become bored easily. Guard against alternating moods. You would make great sacrifices for your loved ones. Those who understand you best are born in October, February, June and August. You will receive love and happiness shortly!

MAY 31 (back to top)
You are sociable, congenial and like outdoor activities; you are fond of children and take a great deal of interest in your family. You sometimes appear cool and detached, yet you can be sensitive and nervous. Do not give up; help is on the way. You find it hard to live with discord or tension and often use your charm to keep things harmonious. Young at heart with quick intelligence, you have an exceptional memory. Look to those born in December and you will find a soul mate. Good fortune and luck are coming your way!